Saturday, July 08, 2006

A Pause.

Hello everyone:o)
First of all I would like to thank everyone who spends a minuite of his/her time to even skim over my blog.
It's been a long time not posting. So, I would like to apologize for that. Well one must keep in mind that a writer -a begginer like me- may pass through periods of drought. Ideas are rain drops, falling on a peice of land. Ideas gather in a writer's head like clouds gather in the sky. Condensing on the narrow tip of his pen, clashing with one another till one touches the paper, then a stream of drops follows, nourishing the readers' minds.
I don't want to deviate from the theme of the blog -movies. But as a break I will have a very small deviation, yet somewhat related. Living in a fast busy life one must be focused, and know everthing going around him. The easiest thing to follow what is happening in the world is watching the news. Nowadays, news became a double weapon, manipulating the viewers mental and emotional abilities. In the East where alot of countries live under occupation, the news present alot of bloody scenes, for women, elderly and even children, screaming in pain or agony for the loss of a family member. While the West, where people are nearly living comfortable lives. The news there is less bloody, always concentrating on the good things happening around them.
Eastern news emotionally manipulate the viewers. Charging them with raging emotions, pushing them to rebel to their status quo. While Western news mentally manipulate the viewers. Portraying the world around them as peaceful a good as they can, blocking them from knowing the truth.
Along ages and the case is the western occupation of the east, whether physically or culturaly. The easiest effective weapon nowadays, to fight occupation or support it, is the news. Governing powers on both sides control what messages should be sent to the public, even if it reaches the extent of manipulating the truth.
Subbmission became the dominant feature of the occupied governments. Bashing any hope for resitstance, following orders of "great powers". So, maybe it is the right of eastern news to resist and enlighten the viewers -what else can be done?! May it wake some dead feelings. Are people used to seeing these aweful scenes?!
Yet there are still some free voices in the West to bring the truth to the viewers, but still not in direct messages but in movies like done in "V for Vendetta","Munich", "Crash" and "Syriana". Istarted this blog to point out these messages to help enlighten the readers, but there are not many movies of this genre.
I decided to write about controversial movies like "The Da Vinci Code", but finally found myself writing about other types of movies too, to fulfill the readers' desiers- and i am still in peace with that, what is a writer without readers?! So, comments are always welcomed.


Blogger Ahmad said...

HAppy, BRAVO for this effort u r doing. you are a good writer, you know how to touch ur readers. i liek that..
Thank You

22/1/07 9:01 PM  

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